I build guitars. It’s part of healing myself from cancer.
I haven’t been doing it for very long. I made one that I liked, for myself, posted some pictures, and some friends asked me to make guitars for them. So I did, and it’s just kind of kept going from there.
I don’t make shiny corporate retail store guitars. I don’t cover the whole instrument with plastic, polyurethane, or anything that could rob the guitar of its tonal possibilities. They aren’t going to look “perfect.” I’m not interested in obscuring all the imperfections. Imperfections are where life comes through. Struggle brings strength.
I like guitars that are a little rough around the edges, that have maybe been in a fight or two and would say “you should see the other guy,” that have a story that they haven’t told yet. It’s up to you to get them to tell that story, and to find new stories to tell.
I’m a cancer survivor, a recovered alcoholic, and an Orthodox Christian. And like Teddy Roosevelt, who ended a stump speech with a bullet lodged in a rib by saying “it takes more than that to kill a bull moose,” by God’s mercy, I’m still here, still making guitars, and living the best life I’ve ever had.
Thanks for stopping by.